Thursday, December 14, 2006

Big fun in Addis

Julia here-- it's just 6am and the babe has fallen asleep on her tummy, in bed next to a snoring Kent. From the scent of it, there's a full diaper to change, but I hope to get a few minutes to post my thanks to all for your encouraging messages re this blog.
When I was preparing for this trip, all of my attention has been on the baby and packing and documents etc-- it literally never occured to me what fun this would be! We've had a really great group of families here, and have so enjoyed their help as we get used to being new parents. I'm posting a few pics to give you a sense of the fun we've had! A shot of breakfast at the guest house and a typical shot of everyone piling into the van to go somewhere.
The other thing I never anticipated was how much I'd love Ethiopia and Addis. What a beautiful country and people- I am so proud to have a daughter from this amazing place.

Much love to you all -\Julia

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