Tuesday, March 25, 2008

As promised: A March update

In my posting at Christmas, I thought I was being funny saying we'd post in March. Guess that turned into a prediction. We have been doing well. Ella continues to grow like a weed and be a joy everyday, although her fantastic lion’s roar can be a bit trying at times. Ella really enjoyed Easter. She has cleaned out Julia and my baskets and is looking at the last feeble bits of her own. Yesterday that she asked for Julia’s basket first, found it empty. Then she asked for mine and turned her nose up at the last few black jelly beans and then she reluctantly asked for her own. She knows how things work, doesn’t she?

The big news here is that Julia has taken a job at Southern Illinois University – Carbondale (home of the Salukis). So we’ll be moving . . . kinda. I still have a year left at the University of Minnesota. Therefore I will be trying my hand at being a long distance dad. It will be tough, but it is just too much an opportunity for her to turn down.

Our task at the moment is trying to get the house ready to put on the market . . . doing all the jobs I should have done months, years ago. Julia will be teaching summer school down there in July and I will be going to school here for that month. At least we’ll have August together . . . I’m looking forward to my first month in So. Ill. being August . . . at least I’ll have a better definition of what humid is;). And, maybe we’ll update before then . . . put your bets in now. I think you know which way to lean on this one.

The pics were taken at Ella’s UW-Stout daycare. The first one she is "going to work." Next pic, just playin' with a truck and finally a bit of snoozle.



Melanie said...

Yeah an update!!!! Would love to see you guys again....


Angela :-) said...

I'd given up checking. And, then tonight, I just felt like giving it a chance. ;-)

Glad to hear all is well.

Angela :-)