Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just when you least expect it....

Speaking of the Minnesota State Fair (see 9/11/07 post below).... As I mentioned, Ella loved the little kids' carnival rides, especially the purple race car. We also put her on this garishly cute little choo-choo train, since she rode one earlier in the summer at Como Park and LOVED it. This one had an African safari animal type theme, and she was very excited to ride in the car that had the giraffe on it. (One of her favorite animals-- also stemming back to the highly influential Como Park Zoo trip, when she got to be practically nose-to-nose with one of the beauties there). But I digress...take a look at how excited she is to be riding in the giraffe car here....

And here.....

So just imagine the shock and sickening feeling we had when we saw that THIS was the image painted on the side of the car that our gorgeous, brilliant, resilient, smart-as-a-whip Ethiopian toddler was sitting in...

Yep, yep, your eyes are not deceiving you, it is exactly what it looks like, all right: the incredibly racist cartoon of the savage African tribesman, lazily napping while his 'dinner'- the bumbling white explorer escapes from his big cauldron. Complete with bone-in-the-top-knot, no less.

Speechless, sad, and nauseous too.


Susy Q said...

She has gotten so big! What a little cutie!

Sarah and Tim said...

OMG! Did she say anything about the picture?

Stacie said...

That is very disheartening to see. I'm speechless too.