Sunday, September 17, 2006

The night before...

...the big news!
"Big news?" you ask. Ok, maybe you don't.

This blog is intended for family and friends, so they can follow our adoption from Ethiopia.

The Big News? Well, a week ago Friday, Sept. 8 at 3 p.m. Central Daylight Time, Julia got a call from CHSFS saying they may have a possible match for us. How exciting! And how frightening. Because additional tests had been done on this little girl, and we chose to wait for this medical information. All we've known is that it's a girl, age 10 months, who, according to the social worker, "looks pretty healthy."

It's been a long ten days- worrying, waiting, and hoping for the good health of a little girl on the other side of the world, who may or may not turn out to be our daughter.

And then on Saturday, an email from the agency, no message, but an attachment: a report from a laboratory in Addis, reporting that the girl is fine after all. And a name: Messay. Thrilling! But it was too late, at that point, to get more info- ALL the info CHSFS has on this little girl.

So here we've sat, all weekend, waiting. And wondering. Talking and planning. And feeling surpisingly peaceful, looking forward to tomorrow morning.

So that's why tonight is "the night before." The night before we just might become parents to a little girl on the other side of the world.

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